Today teenagers are so scheduled that often they don't have time to figure out what they really like to do and what really matters to them, or how they want to feel in their lives.

Kids may be doing what we ask of them but without a sense of self-drive or excitement. Many young people have high ambitions but no clear plans for achieving them. Others feel that only certain types of success are worthwhile and diminish what they are interested in and what they have to offer. This lack of clarity and uncertainty can lead to confusion and stress in high school, college and post-graduate years. In response to young people's need for self-inquiry and intentionality in their lives, Stanford and MIT have offered Design Your Life courses to their students. These courses use positive psychology, design thinking, and life coaching models to help students develop the tools needed to pursue lives that are in line with their individual values and interests. Bringing an awareness to the importance of understanding oneself and making authentic choices can begin in your child's life now.

The work I do brings enthusiasm and positivity to life's transitions. In my work with clients we generate conversations that focus on what we value, what we aspire to become, who we are now, and what enlivens us. Coaching supports young people's confidence and potential by encouraging a strong sense of individual purpose and creating meaningful plans for action. This approach to coaching and mentoring work fosters breakthroughs that lead to learning, experimentation and action. The end goal is helping teens and young adults come to know who they are, what they value and how they want to move forward in their lives. We all want the best for our children and helping them develop a confident relationship with both self-inquiry and self-agency will provide them with the tools needed to live a very happy and full life. 

A good first step is to give me a call, 415-361-3603.

I offer a free 30-minute phone consultation. I can go over my approach and learn about your child's needs, and share ways parents have successfully pitched working with me to their sons and daughters.